I set up this blog so that my family and friends can follow me on my 1-year adventure around the world. Be forewarned: I'll update it as often as possible while I'm on my way but it might be less often than some would hope. I'll do my best.
Et pour mes amis francophones, j'ai choisi d'écrire le blog en anglais pour plusieurs raisons: 1) j'ai de la famille anglophone 2) c'est plus facile pour moi d'écrire en anglais et enfin 3) vous êtes tous capables de lire l'anglais. Si jamais vous voulez des éclaircissements, envoyez-moi un courriel et ça me fera un plaisir de vous traduire de quoi!
It's getting down to the wire now. Only *gulp* 11 more days before D-day. It's a weird feeling, not quite like anything I've felt before. I'm very nervous, exhilirated, excited, a litte bit scared, but most of all, really really happy.
I still have a few things to do before I leave, but it's been manageable so far. I'll probably start freaking out by this time next week, as my procastinating ways will catch up with me, but so far, so good.
Stay tuned for more updates. I hope you enjoy the blog. If there's anything you'd like me to add, let me know and I'll try to figure it out. Design wise, I suck, but I can always try!
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Great start sis!
I think its great. I CANT WAIT to start reading about your adventures.
I'm happy for you and wish you good luck on your travels around the world. I'm sad to see you go for so long but I know this is your dream so go for it girl and make it come true.
Wow, this is so exciting. I wish I was in your shoes. I can't wait to start reading all about your adventures as well...
Bon voyage
profite en au maximum !!!
on va te suivre...
Martin R
You're on my desktop, I will look for you everyday.
Francine Poirier Schock
Je suis bien contente pour toi Janie. Tu es très courageuse et je te trouve bien chanceuse de vivre ton rêve. Tu vas sûrement découvrir plusieurs endroits ainsi que des choses sur toi! Je vais te suivre à travers ton périple tu peux en être sûre! Je suis vraiment contente pour toi mais je vais m'ennuyer de toi c'est certain surtout que ça ne fait pas très longtemps qu'on s'est retrouvé...2 ans... je crois! Bonne chance et profite de tout mais sois prudente! Isa xxx
Wow! what an adventure. It's something I always wanted to do but never had the courage to go thru with it. I always loved travelling , so I am really excited for you. With this blog , I will be living my dream and voyage around the wold with you. Anxious to read you. Again,
Wowwwwwww!! what a thrill. Enjoy
every minute and take the time to
let it sink in. Have a nice trip and take care.
Sylvie (l'amie d'Andre)
Hey! Petit boss... Ou devrais je dire ex petit boss!!!! Je te souhaite un super voyages!!! Amuse toi bien. Profite de cette année pour remplir un gros sac de souvenir et nous revenir en super forme avec des millions d'images et d'histoires à nous rencontrer!!!
Prend bien soin de toi! Pour finir je te dit " a un tse mané" ;)
Just one more dodo and off you go. I hope you find the experience rewarding in every way. I wish you a safe journey and God’s blessing for your safe return.
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